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I Am River, You Are Sea


My Love

Falling in love with you

is the easiest thing that I have ever done,

as effortless as the ebb of the tide,

you are my moon.

I am here, wholly yours.

To you I surrender

the every fiber of my being.

all that I am

and all that I will ever become.

In you,


no one else matters,

only you

Every breath I take is tethered to this certainty:

what I feel is neither fleeting,

nor mere limerence,

figment of Infatuation.

It is a force beyond my control,

etched into the very fabric of my being

I cannot recall when I have begun loving you

Its roots defy memory,

yet it remains relentless,

after both reason and time

My Love

You are my sanctuary

where my restless mind finds its peace

I love you today,

I will love you tomorrow,

and if you allow me,

I will love you even after this lifetime.

Not just days.

Not just months.

Like a prayer

I will love you

Even after a thousand Suns

My Love

I am the river—

wild and meandering

You are the sea—

steadfast and unyielding.


Like how it will always be.

The river will always find its home

In the sea

And so, my love,

I am the river,

and you are sea.

In this lifetime

And the next

You are home.

To me.